Beware of scams implying association with the World Food Forum (WFF)
- Never charges registration fees for conferences or meetings.
- Does not conduct lotteries, or other gambling schemes through e-mail.
- Never asks for money for recruitment.
Any suspicious e-mail or Web site can be reported to [email protected].
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and WFF are aware of various correspondences, being circulated via e-mails, from Internet Web sites, and via regular mail or fax, falsely stating that they are issued by or associated with FAO and/or its officials.
These scams, which may seek to extract money and/or in many cases personal details from the recipients of such correspondence, are fraudulent.
These correspondence and documents, e-mail addresses and Web sites are crafted so that they are made to look like they originate from FAO. For example, they may contain official-looking FAO stationery, including FAO’s logo, emblem or name, or some variation thereof, and e-mail or Web site addresses, including either one or both of the words “Food and Agriculture” or "FAO" or some similar name, or the name of a real FAO entity or fictitious one.
FAO assumes no responsibility for any consequences, including but not limited to, financial loss and identity theft or other, that may derive from such scams.