The World Food Forum 2024: Good food for all, for today and tomorrow.




Education for a Better Food Future

Food is a requisite for living and a central part of everyday life – yet how much thought do we give to how food is produced, distributed and consumed? And what about the impact of our agrifood systems on both our bodies and the environment?

Where does our food come from? Do we really know exactly what we are eating? How is climate change affecting our food supply? What is nutritious food and why is it so important for our physical and mental development?

Far too many children and teenagers lack access to food education and an understanding of how food systems work. Yet knowledge is a key driver for the sustainable, systemic changes we need to make to our global agrifood systems, now more than ever.

The World Food Forum Education programme aims to provide access to knowledge and actionable solutions for healthy diets and a healthy planet, while inspiring children and youth everywhere to create a better food future for all.

Get involved

Are you a school class, teacher or scout and interested in becoming an active driver of change in your own community? Join in the fun and participate in the YUNGA Challenge Badges and our Behaviour Change Science resources for teachers, experts and youth.

Engage children, schools and youth through inspirational events like School Assembly. Share toolkits and resources to foster and improve food education and achieve behaviour change for a better food future.

Call upon children and youth to take action and become agents of change for sustainable agrifood systems transformation. Sign up for our mailing list and follow us on social media to keep up to date on our latest news. To become a volunteer, partner or sponsor, email us at [email protected].


PDC Web article
Meet the Youth Policy and Deliberation Finalists!

The WFF's Youth Policy and Deliberation Challenge was launched in 2024 to help develop the skills and expand the knowledge of young policy-oriented...

UseItUpChallenge launches at Eataly and goes live on social media
#UseItUpChallenge launches at Eataly and goes live on social media

The World Food Forum (WFF) culinary series is an initiative of the Youth Toward Zero Food Waste Campaign, a movement to empower young people to join...

Join the Global Youth Hackathon on Food Waste: Open call for evaluators and mentors
Join the Global Youth Hackathon on Food Waste: Open call for evaluators and mentors

The Global Youth Hackathon on Food Waste organized by the WFF in collaboration with KidsforSDGs, aims to harness the creativity and dedication of...

Minimizing Food Waste: A Recipe for Joyful Holidays
Minimizing Food Waste: A Recipe for Joyful Holidays

Food waste can be addressed through conscious choices and persistence and it need not be any different during holiday parties.