Masterclasses for a Better Food Future: Experiences from Japan about food systems in a circular economy

In close collaboration with the Academy of Gastronomy Japan, the Government of Japan and the FOOD LOSS BANK (Sakiko Yamada, CEO), the WFF is delighted to present the “Masterclasses for a Better Food Future series”, which features six episodes on the circular economy of food in Japan.
Our agri-food systems are constantly under stress. The risk of new pests and diseases, climate crises and demographic shifts increasingly challenge the ability of the traditional systems to provide for healthy and affordable diets in a healthy environment.
If we want to leave a healthy planet to future generations, we must transform our current logic of “linear value chains” that start with exploitation and end in waste. We must close the value loops, optimize the use of our natural resources, and enhance local biodiversity in our food systems.
Each episode introduces you to ideas and actions for achieving a better food future for healthy people on a healthy planet. All generations share the value of food and can therefore play a role in transforming our agri-food systems. Change is closer than you might think, and it is in your kitchen, your backyard garden, and at the farmers’ market you visit every weekend.
We hope this Masterclass series inspires you to spark change in your community and support sustainable food production, healthy diets and food waste reduction for the future of our planet.