The World Food Forum 2024: Good food for all, for today and tomorrow.

Results from the WFF Africa Regional Youth Consultation Survey


The World Food Forum (WFF) Africa conducted an Africa Regional Youth Consultation Survey between 14 June and 11 July 2021. The survey had 192 responses from 32 countries and was geared toward providing a space for African youth and youth entities who engage in agriculture and food-related areas (including organizations, student groups, producers, entrepreneurs, researchers and others) to feed ideas towards agri-food systems transformation, and to ensure that youth perspectives are represented at the global discussion on agri-food systems change.

Below are some of the key takeaways from the survey. You can also read the full survey results online here.

Youth priorities: Climate change and biodiversity:

More than 70% of respondents (140) expressed that climate change and biodiversity is the top priority area for the global discussion on agri-food systems transformation. Other top priority areas included youth engagement (126), poverty alleviation (122), food loss and waste (115), and financing (115).


When asked about the challenges faced by young individuals and youth entities, more than 95% of respondents (183) said limited financial resources was their top challenge. This was followed by limited infrastructure (117) and limited technical expertise (83).


Opportunities for youth engagement in agri-food systems identified by respondents ranged from value-chain development, policy and institutional change to collaboration and partnerships through creating linkages among stakeholders.


The survey received many ideas for solutions to challenges that youth can bring in the short, medium and long term. These include capacity development activities, awareness-raising and policy advocacy, as well as agri-food chain intervention.

Way Forward:

To facilitate collaboration and partnerships and among youth in Africa through the WFF, we plan to organize information sessions for those interested in collaborating with us. We will provide further details soon.

We thank all survey participants for taking the time to share their ideas and perspectives. We look forward to working in collaboration with interested young individuals and youth entities to further boost the voice of youth and incite youth-led actions towards sustainable agri-food systems transformation!

Join the WFF mailing list for regular updates on future survey results, events, and ways you can contribute to a better food future for all.


Results from the WFF Africa Regional Youth Consultation Survey