The World Food Forum 2024: Good food for all, for today and tomorrow.



Located in one of the most cinematic and less-traveled parts of Italy, Cilento, Ristolab is more than just a restaurant - it is an innovative combination of culinary experiences and a research laboratory. The concept of building a restaurant that embraces these two streams came from the interest of uniting research, cooking and traditional knowledge to preserve the bio-cultural diversity of the Mediterranean region, offering consumers an added experiential value. This initiative was born from the synergy between passionate chef, Amabile and the innovative researcher, Sofia. Together, they strive to make the findings of traditional Mediterranean medicine more accessible and enjoyable, translating scientific research into delicious and sustainable dishes. One of Ristolab's core objectives is to connect and engage various local stakeholders—from farmers to food artisans—to discuss, reshape, and co-create more sustainable food value chains. This collaborative effort focuses on rediscovering and reintroducing forgotten indigenous wild foods of the Cilento region, enriching both the local cuisine and biodiversity. 

Although being a rather young initiative, Ristolab clearly illustrates that innovation is key to food systems transformation at the local level. For example, they are actively implementing the principles which are at the core of the “Sustainable Mediterranean Menus”. This encompasses multiple approaches including a 0-meter "farm to fork" cuisine in the form of an edible garden right outside the kitchen following principles of permaculture as well as regenerative agriculture design. Moreover, Ristolab aims to follow and adapt to seasonality and serves only what's in season and reflects local bio-cultural diversity. It supports local food systems by purchasing from local agripreneurs. Rediscovering and incorporating wild and indigenous foods such as wild asparagus, cipolla canina, and fico bianco del Cilento into the menus and strives to honor and incentivize the localization of recipes.

Contact and Reservation Information:

C.da Monaco, 84068 Acciaroli, Pollica SA, 84068 Pollica, Italia
