The World Food Forum 2024: Good food for all, for today and tomorrow.

Afrobeat for better production, nutrition, environment and life!


Calling all young dancers, musicians and singers in Africa, we need your help! Join the WFF “Afrobeat for better production, nutrition, environment and life” awareness-raising campaign.

To support the World Food Forum (WFF)’s mobilization of young people around the world to help create a better future of food, the WFF Africa team is organizing a regional awareness-raising campaign. We’re using Afrobeat dancing and music as channels to connect young individuals and communities across the continent.

Concept: Agri-food systems transformation requires everyone’s effort, but not everyone is aware of the need for change or how to create change. We seek to extend our outreach to young people who have limited exposure to food and agriculture issues through afrobeat dancing to raise wider public awareness and increase engagement with the younger generation in Africa.

Although we call it “Afrobeat,” all African dancing and music styles are more than welcome to join in the campaign! We believe that dancing and music, which are great part of African culture, have power to bring us together in the celebration of healthy life, agrifood systems, and the planet.

When: From the end of September to the end of October 2021

Where: Social media (TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)

Who can participate

  • Age: Are you 35 years old or younger?
  • Interest: Are you passionate and/or involved in youth activism and sustainable agri-food systems
  • Qualifications/Experience: Are you a talented African dancer, musician or singer who wants to inspire the world?
  • Followers: Are you active on social media, with a good number of followers? (Quality is more important than quantity.)

If you can say “Yes!” to all the above, you are kindly invited to join our campaign!


  • African dancers/musicians/singers will post on their social media accounts  dancing/singing videos with messages on the importance of agrifood systems transformation or related topics with a key hashtag (#) in a relay mode by mentioning (@) the next dancer/musicians to continue the relay by her/his own post.
  • WFF Partners and youths can also join in and share, spread and support the message as well as invite any individual youths or youth groups to contribute to posts.


  • Raising widespread awareness among youth in Africa of key agrifood systems transformation topics and actions that can create the necessary change.
  • Involvement across the Africa region in the creative, artistic space of the WFF event and the movement in an African way.

Please also read the CALL FOR SUPPORTERS for further details and the steps on how to join the campaign. All the videos posted following this guideline will be reviewed. Selected audiovisual clips will be published on our official video channel.