The World Food Forum 2024: Good food for all, for today and tomorrow.

ECOSOC Side Event

Join the WFF at EcoSoc

On 6 April, the World Food Forum launched its Youth Action Track through a virtual side event at the United Nations Economic and Social Council Youth Forum to discuss the complex, context-dependent and intertwined issues related to our agri-food systems. The Youth Action Track stresses the importance of creating spaces for young people to share their vision and action for the transformation of these systems.



Jayathma Wickramanayake, the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, opened the event and was followed by a panel discussion featuring young food activists and experts from Consumer International, UNITE 2030, the Arab Youth Center, and Act4Change/Act4Food.

The main objectives of the event included:

  • Initiating inclusive discussion with and by youth around agri-food systems transformation to raise awareness and gather momentum for the Youth Assembly at the World Food Forum;
  • Fostering the vital role youth plays in the creation of pledges as driving force for global action;
  • Bringing the consumer’s perspective to the table;
  • Highlighting the importance of leveraging the interconnectedness of the Sustainable Development Goals to help eradicate world hunger;
  • Empowering youth to be at the centre of the development of socio-economic agendas;
  • Exploring how young agents of change can influence global arenas.

To learn more, watch the full event recording and the highlights!