The World Food Forum 2024: Good food for all, for today and tomorrow.

ECOSOC Youth Forum Highlights

ECOSOC Youth Forum Highlights

Last month, I received the exciting opportunity to attend the ECOSOC Youth Forum in New York City. At this conference, I joined hundreds of youth leaders and Member State representatives from across the globe in multilateral dialogue and collaborative action aimed at advancing youth solutions to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. Together, these stakeholders jointly formulated recommendations and action plans to be incorporated within affairs at the high-level “Summit of the Future” event during the United Nations General Assembly in September.

My role in this conference extended beyond a youth participant, as I also served as a member of the co-organizing committee for the SDG2 Plenary Session, “Feeding The Future: Youth and Sustainable Food Systems for All” and was also invited to speak at two side events: "Pathways For Transforming Our AgriFood Systems: Youth Led Models For A More Sustainable Future For All" and "Towards a Global Standard for Meaningful Youth Engagement in the Pact for the Future.” In each of these spaces, I was grateful for the opportunity to bring in unique perspectives that reflect my experiences in both policy and advocacy as a World Food Forum Youth Policy Board Member representing North America and founder & CEO of the nonprofit NEST4US.

Notably, I shared how strategies such as food redistribution hold immense potential in facilitating cross-sector collaboration across the food system, highlighting how we at NEST4US have redirected over 2.5 million pounds of surplus food through our NEST Nurtures zero hunger program by leveraging this approach. Additionally, I was thrilled to share more details about World Food Forum’s inaugural Agrifood Systems Student Ambassador Program that I’m currently co-spearheading with my fellow Youth Policy Board North America team. This program seeks to mobilize and empower students in North America to take action and make a powerful impact through agrifood systems transformation.

While this conference brings together state and non-state actors from across the globe under the collective vision of a prosperous future for all, it also underscores the growing need for inclusive representation of underrepresented communities throughout every stage of the design and implementation process—from proposal designs and negotiations to formative decision stages and monitoring efforts. I strongly believe that transforming this into a reality ultimately requires building multi-stakeholder partnerships and forging avenues for cross-sector collaboration that places community agency at the forefront. By advancing progress towards this vision, we can effectively redefine how meaningful youth engagement is approached, especially in these high-level spaces.

At the ECOSOC Youth Forum, the energy in each room was filled with not only a sense of urgency, but also unity, collaboration, and fearless optimism, with one phrase being echoed time and time again—we as a collective MUST take inclusive, united action NOW.

As I look into the future, it is becoming increasingly critical for leaders in all sectors to facilitate intergenerational dialogue, ensure equitable resource distribution, and design comprehensive policies that include ALL of us. We must actively shape decisions within corporate and political spaces by ensuring that an equity lens is incorporated into the development of every product and policy.

With only 7 years left until 2030, it is becoming increasingly clear that we are at a crossroads, where the path is long, the future is uncertain, and the clock is ticking. However, we must not give up hope. As we navigate the complexities of our time, every moment matters in this journey of turning our world back in the right direction. Together, let's reset the clock of our world towards a future where each and every one of us can enjoy a prosperous and dignified life. Are you in?


Written by: Shreyaa Venkat.