Feed Your Ideas Towards Food Systems Transformation in Africa

Complete the survey
(in ENGLISH) Complétez l'enquête
Submission deadline: 11 July 2021
The World Food Forum (WFF), in collaboration with the United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) Regional Focal Point for Africa is calling on youth and youth entities (such as organizations, student groups, producers, entrepreneurs and researchers, etc.) who engage in agriculture and food-related areas in Africa to join the global discussion on agri-food systems transformation.
Ensure youth voices are heard. The Regional Youth Consultation Survey in Africa is designed to collect the perspectives and ideas of youth in preparation for the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS). The results of the survey will inform the planning of dialogues, events and collaboration opportunities that will feed into the UNFSS. It also provides the opportunity to express interest in joining the WFF, an independent global network of partners, created for and led by youth, with the common goal of transforming the future of food.
Youth participation in this survey will be vital in accelerating the movement towards agri-food systems transformation in Africa and beyond.