WFF Ecuador Youth Chapter: Driving food and climate activism

The World Food Forum (WFF) Ecuador Youth Chapter was launched during the 2024 WFF flagship event and has since become one of the leading networks driving concrete actions for the transformation of agrifood systems in the country. Supported by the WFF Global Youth Action Initiative team and the Country Office of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Ecuador, this platform has emerged as a key force in promoting youth involvement in shaping sustainable and equitable agrifood systems.
The Chapter serves as a central hub for youth organizations, driving on-ground advocacy and fostering collaboration with social organizations, academic institutions and international bodies. Its mission is to coordinate food activism efforts by developing policies, implementing impactful projects, and creating dialogue spaces to address the country’s diverse needs. The Chapter has significantly increased youth mobilization across Ecuador while strengthening partnerships with FAO Ecuador to enhance food and climate resilience.
With the support of FAO Ecuador and other organizations , the WFF Ecuador Youth Chapter launched the National Youth Agenda for Food and Climate Activism on 6 February at the Universidad Católica del Ecuador in Quito. The National Youth Agenda for Food and Climate Activism is a strategic document developed to organize and direct the efforts of Ecuadorian youth towards high-impact actions. It emphasizes localized work that addresses their unique needs, while fostering strategic alliances with event participants.
These collaborations are designed to create cooperative networks, enabling the coordinated implementation of the agenda and driving positive change across communities. By expanding collaboration at local, national and regional levels, the agenda aims to catalyze sustainable transformation throughout Ecuador.
The agenda outlines seven priority action areas:
- National plan for the reduction of food loss and waste;
- Incentive system for organic producers;
- Pilot school for waste management;
- Exchange programme between rural and urban areas;
- National climate change observatory;
- National fair programme for young producers;
- Volunteer programme for food and climate resilience;
The agenda is designed to be implemented in three phases:
- Short-term: Gathering information on key actors and territories to ensure successful project planning.
- Medium-term: Strengthening the capacities of the involved organizations, allies and stakeholders to successfully implement the projects. This phase also focuses on establishing support channels with the private, public and civil society sectors.
- Long-term: Evaluating the results to assess replicability and sustainability, leading to the proposal of new regulations and public policies aimed at building a more committed and resilient society. This will then lead to the scaling-up of successful projects through strategic partnerships across Ecuador.
Since its launch, the Chapter has made significant progress, some of the key achievements include:
- The launch of the National Youth Agenda for Food and Climate Activism.
- A proposal for reforming the food loss and waste law to enhance existing regulations and promote more efficient food resource management.
- Establishing a network of strategic partnerships with FAO Ecuador, From Planet to Plate, Fundación Nueva Democracia, Rikolto, Fundación Imaymana and other socio-environmental organizations.
Looking ahead, the Chapter remains committed to strengthening youth-led food and climate activism. By expanding its network and scaling impactful initiatives, it aims to drive change and build more resilient and sustainable agrifood systems in Ecuador.
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