El Foro Mundial de la Alimentación 2024: Una buena alimentación para todos, hoy y mañana.

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Youth Assembly Alumni

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Empowering young women in agrifood systems: Insights from the WFF Youth Initiative at CSW69

The World Food Forum (WFF)'s Global Youth Action Initiative (Youth Initiative), in collaboration with the Permanent Missions of Italy and Indonesia...

The WFF Youth Assembly launches a call for inputs: Leveraging the SDGs to empower young women in agrifood systems

The World Food Forum (WFF) Youth Assembly is calling on young leaders, student networks, NGOs, WFF National Youth Chapters and all youth-led platforms...

Empowering youth for a resilient food future
Empowering youth for a resilient food future: WFF Youth Assembly regional consultations

In preparation for the 2nd United Nations Food Systems Summit Stocktake (UNFSS+4), the World Food Forum (WFF) Youth Assembly, in partnership with the...

WFF side event at the 69th Commission on the Status of Women: Empowering young women in agrifood systems

As part of CSW69, the World Food Forum’s (WFF) Global Youth Action Initiative will host a side event titled "From Learning to Leading: Youth Perspectives...