El Foro Mundial de la Alimentación 2024: Una buena alimentación para todos, hoy y mañana.





WFF Youth Initiative engages at the N4G Summit

The World Food Forum (WFF)’s Global Youth Action Initiative marked its presence at the Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit in Paris, France.

Empowering young women in agrifood systems: Insights from the WFF Youth Initiative at CSW69

The World Food Forum (WFF)'s Global Youth Action Initiative (Youth Initiative), in collaboration with the Permanent Missions of Italy and Indonesia...

Evento asociado del WFF en el Foro de Desarrollo Sostenible de la CEPAL: Jóvenes Impulsando el Cambio en los Sistemas Agroalimentarios Locales

Como parte de la octava reunión del Foro de Desarrollo Sostenible en Santiago, Chile, la Iniciativa Global de Acción Juvenil del World Food Forum (WFF)...

WFF Ecuador Youth Chapter: Driving food and climate activism
WFF Ecuador Youth Chapter: Driving food and climate activism

The World Food Forum (WFF) Ecuador Youth Chapter was launched during the 2024 WFF flagship event and has since become one of the leading networks driving...