and Observers

The importance of
Youth Representatives and Observers
Recognizing the fundamental need for inclusive and meaningful representation of youth in global food governance, it is critical to establish structures that enable youth participation in policy decision-making spaces in the agrifood sector.
To enable national-level youth priorities to feed into global agrifood policy discussions at the WFF Youth Action Assembly, the WFF engages Members of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and partners of the Forum to nominate youth to participate at the WFF flagship event in the capacity of Youth Representatives and Observers.
In essence the programme is meant to:
- Strengthen youth participation and co-leadership in policy decision spaces including at the WFF Youth Assembly - a dedicated, sustained, self-organized and institutional space for youth in agrifood systems advocacy and action.
- Provide an opportunity for youth from under-represented regions and sectors including youth from the global south, young farmers, Indigenous youth and others, to have a voice and help shape inclusive policies that target the most vulnerable populations.
- With the national and partner youth statements, the programme facilitates in mobilizing actionable, innovative and inclusive solutions and priorities from the national and local levels to feed into global agrifood deliberations happening at the WFF flagship event.
Who is a
Youth Representative or Observer?
A youth representative or observer is a young person who is nominated or endorsed by a FAO Member or partner of the Forum. While the profile of youth representatives/observers varies depending on the FAO Member or partner of the Forum, they should be individuals under the age of 36 who are either:
- Young members of a ministry, cabinet or any other national institution;
- Members of a youth organization and/or network related to food, agriculture, development, climate and any other relevant field;
- Stakeholder group members (i.e., young farmers, fisherfolk, Indigenous Peoples, etc.);
- Students in the various fields of agrifood systems; and/or
- Past and current youth delegates to the United Nations and/or international conferences
Despite their individual profile, their mandate and their engagement at the WFF flagship event is based on the fact that:
- The Youth representatives and observers are young people themselves and as such can contribute to the discussions at the WFF flagship event as experts based on their lived experience, individual expertise, or perspective.
- The Youth representatives and observers are representatives of young people and are therefore encouraged to consult with their peers and build consensus on policy priorities with youth so that their contributions at the WFF flagship event reflect the shared objectives and voices of the youth that they represent.
- The Youth representatives and observers are representatives of their own countries or partner organizations. As such, they contribute to the discussions based on national and partner perspectives, which do not necessarily represent the views of FAO Members.

LA - Benefits youth
For young people
Youth representatives/observers gain a first-hand opportunity to actively contribute to policy discussions at the table of global food governance that help shape the future of agrifood systems. By participating, the youth gain a platform to voice their perspectives and innovative ideas, and benefit from invaluable insights into international agrifood diplomacy. Moreover, their involvement elevates their leadership and influence as youth advocates and provides networking opportunities with like-minded advocates from around the world fostering positive impact and change.

LA - Benefits FAO
For FAO Members
Involving youth representatives and observers at the WFF's Youth Assembly provides FAO Members with a direct channel to communicate with and understand the priorities and concerns of the youth constituency and to integrate youth perspectives into policy decision-making. By actively participating in the Youth Assembly, young representatives take back to the countries fresh insights, innovative solutions and actionable ideas, enriching national policy discourses and outcomes. By recognizing and supporting the role of youth representatives, FAO Members can foster meaningful intergenerational dialogue, promote inclusivity and demonstrate a commitment to engaging young people in shaping their countries' food future and sustainable development.
To learn more and engage in the Youth representatives/observers programme, please write to [email protected].