El Foro Mundial de la Alimentación 2024: Una buena alimentación para todos, hoy y mañana.




Join the Youth Mechanism: Have your say in global food and agricultural policy!

The WFF Youth Mechanism is an independent group of young people that serves as the governing and decision-making body of the Youth Action Track. It...

World Pulses Day leverages the power of youth to transform agrifood systems

The cultivation of pulses, combined with the power of young people, can help achieve a transformation in our agrifood systems, said QU Dongyu, Director-General...

Summary of the FAO One Health Youth Dialogue for the World Food Forum 2021

This document summarises and synthesizes the online event The One Health Future we want: One Heath Youth Dialogue, held as part of the World Food Forum...

Zooming in on results: Launch of the World Food Forum 2021 Year-in-Review Digital Report

Following the successful launch of the first-ever World Food Forum (WFF), powered by global youth, through its Flagship Event from 1-5 October 2021,...

2021 Foodicons of the year

An oft-cited challenge facing global agri-food systems is the lack of a common language. To address this, Foodicons and the World Food Forum (WFF)...

Foodicons @ 2nd International Agrobiodiversity Congress

Foodicons @ 2nd International Agrobiodiversity Congress.

WFF Masterclass: Promoting decent jobs for youth in food systems (ILO)

This interactive masterclass explores the challenges and opportunities for young people to access decent jobs in food systems, particularly in the...

WFF Masterclass - Challenging the myths of meat: sustainability and innovation in grazing systems

When you think “meat”, what comes to mind? If the answer is climate change, deforestation or cruelty we wouldn’t be surprised! However, did you know...

World Food Forum: Towards a better, youth-led food future

Hear from the voices behind the first-of-its-kind movement conceived by and for global youth on the road towards a more sustainable and inclusive food...

World Food Forum art exhibition “Better Food Future” opens eyes to new perspectives on food systems

The first thing you see when stepping into the virtual World Food Forum (WFF) exhibition is a work titled “Self Preservation”, a digital print by the...

FAO and UNICEF host a masterclass on revolutionizing food education

On 4th October, more than 250 people from across the world virtually joined the FAO and UNICEF-led masterclass “Revolutionizing food education in youth...

Young researchers and startups honoured and mentored by private sector at World Food Forum

Fostering innovation and entrepreneurship for food systems transformation took centre-stage at the World Food Forum, with awards presented to young...

Young researchers honored and mentored at World Food Forum

Tuesday October 8, 2021 - The second day of the 5-day WFF flagship event was entirely devoted to innovation, and began with young researchers pitching...