The World Food Forum 2024: Good food for all, for today and tomorrow.


Youth Policy Board

To ensure that the work is youth-led and for youth, the activities and the preparations towards the Youth Assembly are governed and led by an independent group of change makers, selected by young people themselves.

The Youth Policy Board (YPB) comprises 24 individuals from all regions and backgrounds. Its primary objective is to provide a strategic, youth-led vision for the policy-related activities conducted by the WFF through the Youth Assembly. Members of the Board lead the Forum’s efforts on youth policy positions, coordinate regional activities and support and empower young people to engage with food and agriculture topics. They ensure that youth voices are heard in key international events and processes by actively participating in the Youth Assembly and contributing to relevant outcome documents.

The Board will be tasked to hold the pen in identifying and drafting the policy recommendations of the World Food Forum and provide strategic direction to the activities carried out based on the globally and regionally developed policy compendia. These compendia, established through inclusive consultations with youth groups around the world, serve as the foundation for activities endorsed throughout the year.

The World Food Forum is pleased to announce the 2024-25 cohort!

Hover over the cards for more details about the members of the Board

Read more on the selection process.


IYD North America
The World Food Forum Youth Policy Board’s North America Team 2024 Focus: Regional Food Waste Reform

The Youth Assembly, as World Food Forum’s policy and action arm, builds young people’s capacity in policy advocacy and fosters intergenerational partnerships...

Youth against food waste – Catalyzing change through interactive workshops
Youth against food waste – Catalyzing change through interactive workshops

The WFF's Youth Toward Zero Food Waste campaign.