Le Forum Mondial de lʼAlimentation 2024 : Une alimentation de qualité pour tous, aujourd’hui et demain.


Art Exhibition

Pour l'événement phare de 2023, le Forum mondial de l'alimentation a de nouveau collaboré avec l'association artistique dirigée par des jeunes Tramandars, basée à Somma Vesuviana, en Italie. Ils se sont connectés avec de jeunes artistes du monde entier pour créer des expositions spécifiques sur le thème de cette année.


NexusArt for FAO WFF: Science Meets Art for Sustainable Agrifood Systems
NexusArt for FAO WFF: Science Meets Art for Sustainable Agrifood Systems

NexusArt is an initiative led by Nexus Ness, a project supported by the PRIMA Foundation (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean...

Sustainable Gastronomy Week kicks off to enhance awareness on food waste

The World Food Forum-led global initiative, calls on restaurants led by young chefs around the world to inspire more sustainable food production and...

Celebrating Sustainable Gastronomy Day: A zero-waste dinner at the American Academy in Rome
Celebrating Sustainable Gastronomy Day: A zero-waste dinner at the American Academy in Rome

Sustainable Gastronomy Day (SGD) introduced by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and UNESCO in 2017 is celebrated annually...

Les Secrets

Located in the heart of Bohicon, Les Secrets restaurant has been a culinary destination for five years. With its scenic and natural environment, the...